iOS 18 Eye Tracking: A New Era of Accessibility and Control

iOS 18 Eye Tracking: A New Era of Accessibility and Control


Experience a new level of accessibility with iOS 18’s Eye Tracking, a feature designed for both those with specific needs and tech enthusiasts. This innovative tool allows iPhone users to navigate their devices using just their eyes, revolutionizing the way we interact with technology.

Apple’s dedication to inclusivity is showcased in iOS 18’s range of accessibility features, which also include Music Haptics and Vocal Shortcuts. Announced in May, these features are now available for exploration through the iOS 18 beta.


Activating Eye Tracking

  • Place your iPhone on a stable surface about 18 inches from your face.
  • Ensure your device is running the iOS 18 beta.
  • Navigate to Settings > Accessibility > Physical And Motor > Eye Tracking and turn it on.
  • Complete the calibration by following a colorful circle with your gaze.
  • With Eye Tracking enabled, Dwell Control lets you interact with your device by focusing on specific points. 
  • Customize your experience in the AssistiveTouch settings, allowing you to lock your iPhone, return to the Home Screen, or navigate content using your eyes.

A white outline will indicate the area you’re focusing on. To select, simply maintain your gaze and blink. Traditional touchscreen functions remain available alongside Eye Tracking.

If accuracy declines, recalibrate the setup with your iPhone placed on a holder and your face at an even distance for optimal performance.


What is Eye Tracking in iOS 18?
Eye Tracking is an accessibility feature in iOS 18 that lets users control their iPhones using eye movements, enabling navigation and selection without touching the screen.

Who benefits from Eye Tracking?
While everyone can use Eye Tracking, it is especially beneficial for individuals with physical limitations or motor impairments who find touch controls challenging.

What other accessibility features does iOS 18 offer?
In addition to Eye Tracking, iOS 18 includes Music Haptics for sensory feedback and Vocal Shortcuts for voice-activated commands.


Challenges and Considerations:

  • Privacy: Eye movement data might pose privacy concerns.
  • Accuracy: Maintaining functionality in varying conditions is challenging.
  • Accessibility vs. Convenience: Balancing features for all users is important.


  • Enhanced Accessibility: Provides new interaction methods for those who can’t use touch controls.
  • Inclusivity: Highlights Apple’s commitment to making technology accessible to everyone.
  • Hands-Free Control: Useful for scenarios requiring hands-free operation.


  • Setup Complexity: Requires proper calibration and positioning.
  • Environment Dependence: Performance can vary with conditions.
  • Battery Life: Advanced sensors may use more power.

Embark on the iOS 18 adventure and let your gaze transform how you use your iPhone. For more details, visit Apple’s official website.

[Sources: Apple / Smartphone Magazine]

Areej Nasrallah